The premise of this self assessment tool is that people who share similar interests will also enjoy the same type of work. 测试的前提是彼此的兴趣爱好相似并喜欢同类型的工作。
Understanding the market share of a private bank is critical to a proper valuation of the business, but an incorrect assessment of that share has underestimated how the wealth management cake is split, according to new research. 新的研究表明,理解一家私人银行所占的市场份额,对于恰当评估其业务价值而言至关重要,但对这一份额的错误评估,已低估了财富管理蛋糕的分割方式。
The main reasons for the loss lie in imperfection of supervisory system of national assets, lack of legal rules in property assessment and control of state-owned share circulation in the stock market. 流失的主要原因是没有健全国有资产监管体制,资产评估不依法规范进行以及国有股不能上市流通。
Assessment Method Discussion on Public Companies 'Share Achievement 上市公司股票业绩评价方法探讨
A new assessment method of the patent and know how is discussed. The methods of technology, economy and law are involved. The model of assessment for the patent and know how is obtained in the technological trade, share holders and other conditions. 运用技术、经济和法律方法,探讨专利与专有技术的价值评估,得出了技术贸易、技术入股及其他情况下技术价值的评估模型。
Study on the Merging Enterprise's Value Assessment under the Equity Share Split 股权分置改革背景下企业并购估值研究
Secondly, a share assessment model evolved from some traditional models has been established at the aspect of investor to study the relation between the share price and the company operation performance. 第二部分是立足资本市场,对传统股价理论模型进行修正,从投资者的角度对股价与企业经营之间的联系进行研究。
The company is a strong strength of the assessment companies merged, in recent years, companies in the insurance assessment based on the original market share through the improvement of technology and resources advantages, actively expand the business. 近年来,公司在保险公估原有市场份额的基础上,通过技术的改进和优势资源的获得,积极拓展各项业务,占据了一定的市场份额。
Finally, this proper makes some strategies to solve this problem: establish a multi-level, multi-mode incentives system; link incentives plan with performance assessment; flexible share right incentive plan; focus on incentive plan innovation. 本文最后就此问题,提出了自己的建议:要建立多层次、多体系的激励模式;激励要与目标考核和绩效评估联系在一起;股权激励必须有具有灵活性;要注重激励方法的创新。